Doctors are the backbone of our healthcare system. They are responsible for diagnosing and treating patients, and their prescriptions are the first step towards recovery. However, illegible handwriting on prescriptions can lead to serious consequences, including misdiagnosis, and incorrect medication. It is high time that doctors undergo a one-year course in handwriting to ensure that their prescriptions are clear and legible.

The issue of illegible handwriting on prescriptions has been a long-standing problem in the medical field. In fact, the Orissa High Court has directed the state government to ensure that every prescription, postmortem, and medico-legal report is in legible writing. The Health and Family Welfare department has issued a circular instructing physicians to stop zig-zag handwriting which, in most cases, is not readable by the common man or by judicial officers. Despite instructions to prescribe in clear and legible handwriting reflecting generic names of medicines, the department observed that a substantial number of doctors in the state resort to such handwriting which cannot be read.

It is imperative that doctors take responsibility for their handwriting and ensure that their prescriptions are clear and legible. A one-year course in handwriting would help doctors improve their penmanship and ensure that their prescriptions are easy to read. This would not only benefit patients but also reduce the workload of pharmacists who often have to decipher illegible handwriting.

Doctors must undergo a one-year course in handwriting to ensure that their prescriptions are clear and legible. This would help reduce the risk of misdiagnosis, incorrect medication, and other serious consequences. It is time for the medical community to take responsibility for their handwriting and ensure that their prescriptions are easy to read and understand.

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